Monday, September 14, 2009

4th September Home Learning

1a. The persona feels bored, tired and frustrated. The metaphor “tugged the leash” means that the pupils were all trying to rush home but the teacher was holding them back tightly. Using the term “unruly hounds” on the pupils showed that the teacher was very frustrated by them insisting on going home when school hasn’t ended yet. The pun “sick” has the meaning of bored or ill, which in context to the poem refers to both. Another pun, “toll”, also implies that the persona is worn out.

1b. The choice of words within the sentence “When will the bell ring, and end this weariness?” implies to readers that the persona can’t wait for the lesson to end. The metaphor “unruly hounds” tells readers that the persona did not like the pupils’ attitude towards learning. The choice of words in the second stanza point out that the pupils’ did not take pride in their work by scribbling in their work and had sloppy answers.

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