Friday, January 30, 2009

Blog Prompt (Term 1 Week 4) - News Clip #1 - Brother Animation

Age and experience are important to the workforce in any country.

There are 2 points of view to look at this matter:

1. As you grow older, you will gain more experience and will be of a great help to the company. If you have got a lot of experience, working will never be a problem anymore, as you should be able to cope with stress and so on...

2. As you grow older, your reaction slows down, and you might be a burden to the company. The company might want to take in inexperienced workers so that they can save some money on their salary, especially during this period of time, where there is currently an economic downturn.

It all depends on the view point that you take.

Blog Prompt (Term 1 - Week 3) - News Clip #2 - World's Cheapest Car

Hi everybody,

On behalf of my group, I would like to introduce an electronic device that helps other students learn better in the classroom - a music machine.

This device plays music after every period to de-stress the students from school work and get ready for the next lesson. Teachers will have to come in a little later, though...

13thHumanities Seminar @ HCI

Monday, 19th January 2009, was the day of the 13th Hwa Chong Humanities Seminar titled "It's the economy, stupid - Making Sense of Hitler's Rise to Power"held by Dr. Malcolm Murfett at the High School Drama Centre High School Auditorium. Many other schools were invited by Hwa Chong to attend this seminar, including Anglo Chinese School (Independent), Catholic High School, Hwa Chong Institution students and many more! The auditorium was too small to accommodate all the attendees, so some of the Hwa Chong students had to sit on the floor.

Anyway, it was quite interesting ... Dr. Murfett is a lecturer at National University of Singapore (NUS).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blog Prompt - News Clip #1: Fishy Business


I am a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and I am very glad to be able to post an entry to raise the awareness of the cruelty of whaling in Japan.

As all of you should know, the blue-fin tuna population has made a drastic drop. You can't blame the tunas, they give birth to their young when they are supposed to. That's where the problem lies. We do not care about the period in which they give birth. When we feel like eating tunas, we simply eat them. At the way we are currently eating tunas, the tuna population will become extinct sooner or later.

Instead, we should have a long term strategy: we kill the tunas after they have reproduced, thus allowing the tuna population to continue. Likewise, we will wait for the next generation of tunas to reproduce before killing them. Hopefully, this will help the tuna population.

To conclude my message, I hope that this will be a win-win situation for all of you and the tunas. Wait for the tunas to reproduce, then will you have more tunas to eat in the future.

Thank you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting Got Used

I have finally gotten used to the new school environment of Hwa Chong. I have made even more new friends. I am able to get around the school with almost no problems. Yesterday, I also went to MOE Language Centre for the first time for my French class. Was super good. Enjoyed it very much. Learnt some French words ands phrases...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 3 of EP3 Orientation @ HCI

Today, the EP3 we went to check out was Sports & Clubs and Societies. They include tennis, table-tennis, volleyball, basketball, wushu, softball, art club, chinese calligraphy, EC3 (Electronic Communications & Computer Club), international chess, library, media tech, robotics, weiqi and Youth Flying Club.

Well, I registered for EC3, robotics and youth flying club.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hi everybody of HCI!

Welcome to my blog. It will be full of exciting stuff that's happenging in school so stay tuned!